New English page

Hoy tenemos que abrir la pestaña FIN DE CURSO

Viernes 12 de junio, Friday 12 th June.
Yeessss!!!! It´s Friday today... GOOD MORNING!!!!! 😚😙Ready to start?
What are we going to do today? Let´s review the superlatives. Have a look to this chart first.
We studied it in Unit 4. You can see your activity book.

Did  you see the chart? It is important to read it.

Let´s finish with a is a quiz.... The video is a little bit sad...😢 Check your answers...Esta vez no podéis enviarmelas...

Visit ARTS AND CRAFTS .... I see you next Monday.😚😻

Jueves 11 de junio, Thursday 11th June.
Hello, How things work? I hope to see you in the afternoon 👏😉😊💫
We are going to review Unit 3.Pay attention to the videos and questions, the worksheet is long.

Lets finish playing,Have a look to this first...

Bye -bye I see you later  my alligators 😚.

Miércoles 10 de junio, Wednesday 10th June
GOOD MORNING!!!!  How is my class today? Did you say good? ...GREAT!!!👏😉
Let´s remember "There is and "There are" watching this video.That was in Unit 2.

and do you remember food vocabulary? Try this please...

To review (repasar) contables e incontables os dejo también este video,

What to do now?
Complete this worksheet (ficha) There is/ There are
and this one describing a bedroom. Bedroom in Arles

I see you tomorrow, Have a nice day👋💕.

Martes 9 de junio, Tuesday 9th June
Hi again, is everything okay? I hope so 👌 Let´s go for Tuesday…😊💕

Let´s do a review (repaso) of Unit 1. Watch these videos first.

Present simple video

What is fun about music?

In a piece of paper do an activity similar to this one…Invent a sentence and stretch it.

 Lunes 8 de junio, Monday 8th June

Hello, how are you? Did you have a good weekend? We start a new week …ready?😚😘👍

Let´s finish today the last exercise we are going to do of the Unit 9,that is in the activity book page 123 only the exercise 1.

Remember the characters  of the play

Techy Becky          Bot the robot        Student 3
Techy Becky              

                                                               Mr Watt                              Mr Painter

                                                                         The football fans

Now we are going to review (repasar) Let´s go to the Starter unit (pages 2, 3,4, 5)

Mandarme las fichas al correo una vez que las hayáis finalizado.

What do they like?

Listen and click on the correct number

Bye-bye I see you tomorrow. Have a nice day.😚💚.

Viernes 5 de junio, Friday 5th June

 Good morning!!😉😚We have finished this week, we are finishing the book…

I know that many of you like 😍robots… but what do you know about robots?

Try these easy worksheets.

.                             What robots can do?

                                        Mazinger Z

This reading is very easy,
follow it and listen too.

On page 122 in the activity book, do the exercises 1, 2,4. Visit ARTS AND CRAFTS

Bye bye I see you next Monday.😚💕

Jueves 4 de junio, Thursday 4th June
Good morning my class. Let´s  start this new day with a smile.😙😚💪

As I told you yesterday. We start with the listening of page121 exercise 2

Read first what is the exercise about   listening 190

Now in the notebook I want you to write 4 questions? using Wh… remember…

Let´s finish with these questions….answer them.

answer these questions

Bye –bye my class have a nice day .I see you  tomorrow.

Miércoles 3 de junio, Wednesday 3rd June
Hello everybody!!!!!!,I miss you a lot .Ready for a new day? We are in the half of the week.

Today  Marcus wants  to share with  you this.

We have to finish the page 120 in the activity book.Yes lesson 5 please.
Be careful 😮 with the second question of the exercise 1 …My sister sings , my brother sings, my dad sings.

I leave a list of verbs to help you with the exercise 2.

now, let´s review Wh questions , read and watch the poster to remember…

Now do this worksheet.

Wh questions

Let´s finish with the exercise 1 on page 121.Tomorrow we will do the exercise 2.It´s a listening, do not try to do it today.

I see you tomorrow, enjoy your day.👋😊😉.

Martes 2 de junio, Tuesday 2nd June
Hi again!!!! How do you feel today?😚Let´s start this day with these jokes.🙈🙉🙊

Keito wants to share with you this dance

Play this word game to learn and practise free time activities vocabulary.

Free time activities

In the notebook please write the pictures they don´t talk about. Only the numbers.

Now in the activity book page 120 only lesson 3.Please write clear an neat .Thank you. Don´t forget to repeat When did you last..and the interrogation mark at the end ?
Os dejo esta tabla con los verbos en pasado por si no os acordáis. Para el ejercicio 2.

 present past
 make made
 visit visited
 plant planted
 do did

Bye- bye my class, I see you tomorrow,Have a nice day😽.

Lunes 1 de junio, Monday 1st June
Good morning again. How are you? I hope you will be fine.💙💚😚
We start a new month... estamos casi acabando, en cuanto acabemos el tema os voy a poner actividades de repaso...nos falta muy poquito.Mucho ánimo!!!!!!
 Hoy nos saltamos la página 117 y vamos a hacer una actividad on page 116,read the text first and then do the exercise n 2.It´s very easy.A piece of cake...
Here you are the listening too.

Write the missing letters in the notebook.

Let´s finish with this

Bye bye everyone, I hope to see you in the afternoon. Enjoy your day.👌😚

 Viernes 29 de mayo, Friday 29th May
Good morning, are you fine? Yessss, today is Friday...😙😚
As you know there are many ways to spend free time (hay muchas formas de dedicar el tiempo libre)
Read what says Craig

Did you know that exists a River´s  Day? Watch this...

I want  you to know some facts about New Zealand, a beautiful country in Oceania where people

celebrate River´s  Day.It has an amazing environment.            

Now read and listen this post


rubbish                                                                     growing  

 I´m sure you know that you have to do exercises 1,2 and 3 on page 116 in the acitivity book.It´s Friday go to Arts and Crafts page.

Bye- bye my class ,I see you on Monday, enjoy the weekend.

 Jueves 28 de mayo, Thursday 28th May
Hello my class,May🌷 is almost over, ready to start last Thursday?Let´s go😚😘
Do you know what are infographics?(Infografías)I´m going to show you this...I´m sure you´ll understand it in a moment.

These two hearts with your names in are word clouds that is an infographic.
I did them with an application called Word Art I have chosen the shape (forma) of  hearts or a T.V or a pencil...and then I fill in with names, look at this with films

and this one with subjets   

 I want you to know some more, read this please. listen to Alison

What do you have to do now?
in the activity book page 115 only the exercise n 1,
and make a word cloud of a topic (tema) you love, it can be football, dinosaurs, books, cards,films, sports, places you like, activities you prefer in your free time in a piece of paper .Use colours and different kinds of letters... and think the shape (forma)
Bye-bye, I see you tomorrow. Have a nice day.😙😚

Miércoles 27 de mayo, Wednesday 27 th May
Good morning, How are you?... 😙 💙
Hoy os tengo que enseñar qué son los adverbios de modo, ver atentamente este video en español.

Ahora Alison os lo va contar en Inglés, please listen carefully.

Read  the questions of this board game... Lo vais a pillar en nada.

What do you have to do now? On page 114 in the activity book do the exercises 1,2 and 3
You need this audio to do the exercise 1.

Esto no es Arts and Crafts .. ahora  vamos a responder tres preguntas del tablero que os he dejado arriba y añadimos un adverbio al final de la frase y me vais a decir ¿qué adverbio? Os  recuerdo algunos que tenéis en los ejercicios de hoy...  También podéis elegir las frases que queráis.
these are my examples,
 I usually eat fast , I listen to music softly, I sing happily    What about you?

Bye- bye.I see you tomorrow. Have a nice day.😙😽💙

Hola a todos , he abierto esta nueva pestaña porque alguno de vosotros me habéis dicho que tardáis mucho  en abrir videos y enlaces. Disculpad las molestias.  Que tengáis un buen día 😉😺.

Martes 26 de mayo, Tuesday 26th May
 Hello everybody, how are you? Come on, let´s go for Tuesday
Ready...let´s start with TESS,  I like her trendy sunglasses.     free time- tiempo libre

Do you like adventure parks? Look how many activities can you play and there are many more...
1. Listen first Listening 182

 When I go to an adventure park, I like going down a slide but I don´t like swingíng on a swing.
what about you?

2- Can you write one sentence in the notebook saying which activity you like and which one you don´t like.
3-I know this is the part you like best, the story.

Unit 9 Adventure Park World
4. Do the exercises on page 113.exercises 1 and 2 Write clear and neat 🙏 .
5.To finish today, complete this worksheet... Remember  collect- coleccionar. Send me the answers.
